Flux RSS http://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/ fr Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:01:47 +0200 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:01:47 +0200 news-5804 Mon, 14 Oct 2024 08:00:00 +0200 Workshop on inter/trans-disciplinary research https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/workshop-on-inter-trans-disciplinary-research Doctoral students from the second cohort will benefit from two-days training in October 2024. The goals will be:
o Having an understanding of the terms transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research,
o Knowing methods that strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation,
o Seeking and discussing interdisciplinary perspectives on one's research,
o Developing perspectives on how interdisciplinarity can be integrated into one's doctoral studies,
o Bringing one's expertise to the discussion of research from an outside field and developing a sense of how I myself can contribute in an interdisciplinary way.

More information to come

news-6019 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:49:02 +0200 Gender-based and sexual violence training course https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/gender-based-and-sexual-violence-training-course A training course to raise awareness of gender-based and sexual violence is soon to be organized. Entitled "Harassment, gender-based and sexual violence: what to do?", this online training course will enable you to:
Become aware of the reality and impact of gender-based and sexual violence, particularly in the academic world;

  • Be able to put into words situations of gender-based and sexual violence and identify problematic behaviors or problematic behaviors or situations;
  • Know what to do and what recourse to take in the event of gender-based and sexual violence, particularly at the UGE: reporting mechanism and presentation of the Mission Egalité of the Université Gustave Eiffel.

This training course is supervised by Adoc Métis and the Mission Egalité of the Université Gustave Eiffel. The CLEAR-Doc PhD Students' attendance is mandatory.

news-5853 Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:59:03 +0100 Election of the second cohort representatives https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/election-of-the-second-cohort-representatives Badr Eddine and Rita win the elections! Representative : Badr Eddine HAMAIDI

Co-representative : Ana Rita LOURENCO DE ALMEIDA

What are the representatives' commitments?

Their goal is to create an open and supportive environment where each Phd student feel comfortable bringing forth any issues they may encounter, inside or outside of the PhD studies, as well as any questions or feedback related to the Programme.
They commit to proactively seeking out PhD students' individual opinions and concerns to properly represent their united voice as the 2nd cohort of the CLEAR-Doc during the supervisory board meetings. Following these meetings, they will provide comprehensive updates on the discussions and decisions made, ensuring full transparency and open communication.

news-5802 Tue, 19 Mar 2024 12:03:40 +0100 Portrait of doctoral students - second cohort https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/portrait-of-doctoral-students-second-cohort Meet the CLEAR-Doc doctoral students ! Discover the profiles of each doctoral student and find out more about their background, thesis project and career plans.

Portraits - 1st cohort (2022)
Portraits - 2nd cohort (2023)

news-5637 Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:00:00 +0100 Training in research project management https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/training-in-research-project-management On the Nantes Campus! The 14 doctoral students making up the first CLEAR-Doc cohort are now in the second year of their thesis. On 21 and 22 February, they will receive training in research project management, as they need to optimise their research work and strengthen a skill that is particularly sought after in research, by acquiring project management methods and tools.

The training will be based on six modules :


This training will be provided by Adoc Talent Management.

news-5678 Thu, 08 Feb 2024 00:50:00 +0100 Poster session at the Journées Techniques Route (JTR2024): well done to the CLEAR-Doc doctoral students! https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/poster-session-at-the-journees-techniques-route-jtr2024-well-done-to-the-clear-doc-doctoral-students Congratulations to Stepan Bobrovnikov, Gerardo Gravante and Maria Camila Santos Quiñones, doctoral students in the CLEAR-Doc programme at the EASE Laboratory, Université Gustave Eiffel, who took an active part in the poster session at the Journées Techniques Route (JTR2024). Gerardo Gravante
"A machine learning-based rolling resistance prediction model for Electric Vehicles."

Stepan Bobrovnikov
"Analysis of the mechanisms relating to tire road wear in relation to the emissions of fine particles."

Maria Camila Santos Quiñones
"Definition of experimental plan to assess the ageing resistance of model biobinders - Innovative pavement biobinder development and ageing resistance."

For more than a quarter of a century, the JTR has been the essential meeting place for French public and private players in the field of land transport infrastructure: local authorities, contracting authorities and prime contractors, construction companies, product and service suppliers, design offices, research centres, schools, etc. Every year, they take advantage of this unique opportunity to pool their experience, research and innovations in the fields of construction, maintenance, safety and operation.

Under the "JTR" brand, which they have retained, their scope has also become multimodal: they now cover road and rail infrastructures, urban and interurban, aeronautical runways and industrial tracks.

The programme is structured around a cross-cutting session and technical sessions dealing in particular with the decarbonisation of transport, heat islands, road safety and auscultation. Two short sessions will also be on the programme.

The JTR2024 was also the occasion for another edition of the "best doctoral posters" competition, sponsored by Routes de France. The competition was open to doctoral students in the public or private sector who are currently working on their thesis, or who have completed their thesis in the 12 months preceding the Journées Techniques Route. It was an opportunity for "future young professionals" to showcase their work and engage in dialogue with members of the scientific and technical community in the field of land transport infrastructure.

Université Gustave Eiffel is in charge of organising the JTRs, in association with IDRRIM and CEREMA. Other cooperative structures (professional associations and unions, clusters, etc.) are also helping to prepare the event.

Find out more about the JTR

news-5542 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:54:00 +0100 Welcome to the new PhD students joining the CLEAR-Doc programme ! https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/welcome-to-the-new-phd-students-joining-the-clear-doc-programme news-5528 Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:58:00 +0100 Second day of the kick-off meeting for cohort #02 https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/second-day-of-the-kick-off-meeting-for-cohort-02 The second day opened with a presentation of the 3 years ahead of the ESRs by the CLEAR-Doc project manager, Virginie Etienne. Santiago Caro Alba, representing the first cohort (2022), gave a retrospective on his first year as a CLEAR-Doc fellow and some valuable advice for the newcomers.
ESRs then took part in a demanding exercise that we called "Your thesis in 60 seconds". The aim was to present the thesis of another ESR in one minute. Throughout their research careers, they will be required to present their work or that of a colleague in varying amounts of time: it starts today!
In the afternoon, ESRs and supervisors met for a workshop on the Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP). It is  a personal action plan that they can use to create a roadmap for your career. The typical career development plan example outlines:

  • The starting point: Where you are now in your career
  • The destination: Where you want to go in your career
  • The gap: The obstacles you must overcome to reach the destination
  • The route: How to close the gap to reach your intended destination

ESRs and their supervisors have now returned to their campuses and will meet up again at future CLEAR-Doc events!

news-5509 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Cohort #02 kicks off today! https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/cohort-02-kicks-off-today Welcome to the 16 new CLEAR-Doc PhD students arrived for a two-day seminar on the Nantes campus ! After a welcome coffee and a welcome address from the International Vice-President of Université Gustave Eiffel, the doctoral students and their supervisors were given an introduction to the CLEAR-Doc programme and a presentation of the University, and the doctoral students were given the opportunity to present themselves in turn. The Chair of the Supervisory Board, Davide Lo Presti (University of Palermo), joined the meeting to present the procedures for supervising doctoral students in the specific context of an MSCA project. Then the CLEAR-Doc team then gave a presentation on two key aspects for the next three years and beyond:

  • Training and support for the development of the Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP)
  • Communication and dissemination

The afternoon was devoted to two parallel training courses and workshops: 

The rest of the programme tomorrow!

news-5331 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Training program : "Sexist, sexual or moral harassment: what to do?" https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/default-7c2c3b44699aff0352a6538c48b07963 The supervisors of CLEAR-Doc doctoral students will be sensitized to the issue of harassment during the Cohort #2 Kick-off meeting in December. This 3-hour training course for thesis directors of the second cohort, entitled "Fostering a healthy working environment for doctoral students: detecting situations of harassment, discrimination or sexist or sexual violence", will take place during kick-off meeting #2 on December 5 and 6 on the Nantes campus of the Université Gustave Eiffel.

At a later date, new PhD students will also receive training on how to spot harassment in the workplace, and how to react if they believe they are a victim and/or witness of such behavior.


news-5489 Thu, 19 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Training for CLEAR-Doc doctoral students - cohort #1 https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/training-for-clear-doc-doctoral-students-cohort-1 A photo of the CLEAR-Doc doctoral students taken during their training course on "transdisciplinary research" given by Prof. Dr. Babette Brinkmann ! news-5333 Thu, 12 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0200 "Accompagner et encadrer un doctorant-e" training course run by Adoc Métis https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/default-a7fdb730893e479326b050626ab777ae Thesis directors from the two cohorts will take part in the "Accompagner et encadrer un doctorant-e" training course run by Adoc Métis. The course will take place on the Marne-la-Vallée campus on October 12 and 13 and October 19 and 20, 2023. The doctorate has undergone profound changes in recent years, with changes in the missions of doctoral schools, the role of supervisors and the expectations of doctoral students. The aim today is twofold: to guarantee the training of top-level researchers, and to make doctoral students aware of the wealth of skills acquired through the practice of research. A growing number of doctoral students need to be supported in their acquisition of scientific autonomy, methodological rigor and discipline-specific techniques.

There is a need to understand doctoral student's development of skills and help them become aware of these skills by : 
✓ Help doctoral students reflect on their professional professional project
✓ Conveying the values of academic research
✓ Motivating and re-motivating doctoral students
✓ Plan the evolution of collaboration modalities between supervisor and doctoral student

Thanks to theoretical input; role-playing; reflective practice reflective practice; study of participants' personal cases ; synthetic tool cards, thesis supervisors will explore 3 modules over two days:


  • Managing a doctoral project
  • Defining a research project
  • Encouraging doctoral students to become autonomous
  • Setting objectives
  • Using appropriate planning techniques
  • 0to a doctoral project
  • Define information flows within the project team
  • Preventing research project risks


  • Doctoral careers
  • Discover and consider career paths
  • careers (local and national)
  • Defining the cross-disciplinary skills of PhDs
  • Discover job search tools and their roles
  • Learn how to build a professional project
  • for a doctorate


  • Managing human relations
  • Position yourself as a supervisor and clearly define
  • the manager's role
  • Motivating and re-motivating
  • Communicating in such a way as to help the
  • through constructive feedback
  • Learn about benevolent communication
  • Understand the phases of the mentoring relationship
  • Equip yourself with the tools you need to manage doctorate

More information about the training

news-5287 Mon, 11 Sep 2023 16:30:00 +0200 CLEAR-Doc kick-off meeting for COHORT #02 https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/clear-doc-kick-off-meeting-for-cohort-02 CLEAR-Doc kick-off meeting for COHORT #02 will be held on 5 and 6 December 2023 in Nantes. The 16 doctoral students who will make up the new cohort of the CLEAR-Doc doctoral programme will meet at a kick-off meeting on 5 and 6 December, on the Nantes campus of Université Gustave Eiffel.

This meeting will give them an opportunity to talk with their supervisors, the CLEAR-Doc management team, and the delegates from Cohort #1, Santiago and Lauren. The new doctoral students will be informed about what the programme will offer them and what is expected of them during their three-year PhD.

They will take part in networking activities and introduce themselves to their new promotion.

A special highlight will be held on the evening of 5 December.

news-4986 Fri, 09 Jun 2023 00:02:00 +0200 16 doctoral students will make up the second CLEAR-Doc cohort https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/default-b5d0c459b75a42a26afa7e98a95ce60c The selection process has now been completed and 16 doctoral students have been chosen to embark on the CLEAR-Doc adventure ! news-5334 Tue, 23 May 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Training on transdisciplinary research by Prof. Dr. Babette Brinkmann https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/training-on-transdisciplinary-research-by-prof-dr-babette-brinkmann Training for CLEAR-Doc doctoral students - cohort #1 This training about "transdisciplinary research" is given by By Prof. Dr. Babette Brinkmann to the CLEAR-Doc doctoral students from cohort #1.

Objectives :

  • Having an understanding of the terms "transdisciplinary" and "interdisciplinary" research,
  • Knowing methods that strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation,
  • Seeking and discussing interdisciplinary perspectives on one's research,
  • Developing perspectives on how interdisciplinarity can be integrated into one's doctoral studies,
  • Bringing one's expertise to the discussion of research from an outside field and developing a sense of how I myself can contribute in an interdisciplinary way.

The training is composed of 3 steps :

  1. A zoom meeting on May 23 2023
  2. A 2 days training at Univ Eiffel, Champs sur Marne campus on June 26-27 2023
  3. A follow up zoom meeting on October 19 2023 
news-4954 Fri, 12 May 2023 18:00:00 +0200 Auditions are over ! https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/auditions-are-over At the end of May, the results of the second and final call for applicants for the remaining 16 international doctoral candidates for CLEAR-Doc will be published. news-4887 Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:34:08 +0200 Call #02 - Selection and evaluation https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/call2-selection-and-evaluation The selection process for the second cohort of PhD students has started ! 89 applications were received, of which 79 eligible.

Eligible applications were assessed and 60 applications were selected for auditions  following assessment by the specially 23 CLEAR-Doc recruited experts. The selected candidates will undergo a remote audition on 9 and 10 May.

What is an audition?

Each candidate is auditioned by a panel of independent experts. The manager is invited to the audition of his/her candidate(s), but is not allowed to intervene.

Each candidate is invited to introduce him/herself and his/her thesis project.

In a second step, questions are asked by the experts.

news-4736 Tue, 07 Mar 2023 00:07:00 +0100 Online briefing for the CLEAR-Doc's Experts Evaluators https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/online-briefing-for-the-clear-docs-experts-evaluators-1 CLEAR-Doc's experts evaluators were brought together on the 7th March for an online briefing. This mandatory online briefing was intended to : Present CLEAR-Doc's project and its objectives

  1. Present and explain the evaluation criteria of step 1
  2. Raise awarness on the risks of gender and racial discrimination during the evaluation
  3. Discover the non-discrimination mesures undertake by the Management team during the evaluation 
  4. The Experts-Evaluators will be invited to a 2nd online briefing in order to receive new guidelines for step 2 (the auditions).

Experts-Evaluators, what do they do ?

CLEAR-Doc's experts evaluators are in charge of:

  1. Evaluating the applications which has been declared eligible (step 1 - Applicant's files selection)
  2. Evaluating the candidates whom passed the step 1, through an online audition (step 2 - Auditions)
  3. Participates to a consensus meeting to pre-approve the ranking scenario of the applications based on Stage 1 and Stage 2 scores of the applicants while taking into consideration the rating differences between the 5 panels.
  4. Experts-Evalutors, who are they ?
  5. The Experts-Evalutors of CLEAR-Doc applied to a call for experts. They come from different backgrounds (academic and non-academic) knowing the local context and targeted job market.

They are divided in 5 evaluation panels according to their expertise:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
  • Environmental Sciences (ES)
  • Mathematics, Computer Sciences & Communication Technologies (MCSCT)
  • Engineering (ENG)
  • Sciences and Technologie (ST)
  • Need some more information regarding the Experts-Evaluators ? Take a look at the "Guide for Experts".
news-4738 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 00:37:00 +0100 PhD students portraits - CLEAR-Doc first cohort https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/phd-students-portraits-clear-doc-first-cohort The portraits of the ESRs of the first CLEAR-Doc first cohort are now available ! They are to be found here.

Thanks to all the PhD students for their rich contributions. 

These profiles will evolve at their request.

news-4740 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 00:02:00 +0100 ESRs have until March 28th to return their PCDP for the first year https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/esrs-have-until-march-28th-to-return-their-pcdp-for-the-first-year The purpose of this Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP) is to ensure that ESRs work is focused on achieving their research and professional goals. This will play a major part in informing the trajectory of their PhD research, in their  training and development as a researcher. Their plan will also be a useful resource when it comes to writing up, and it will help them develop key skills which will be invaluable for both their current research and your future career prospects.

news-5057 Wed, 01 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Closing of the CLEAR-Doc call for applicants https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/closing-of-the-clear-doc-call-for-applicants-1 The call for applicants closed on 31st January 2023.

CLEAR-Doc's Management Team received more than 89 applications !

The first administrative step ensured that the applications were complete and that the applicants provided all the needed documents as stated in the Guide for Applicants.

The eligibility check is now closed and every applicants have received a notification from the CLEAR-Doc's management team informing them about the eligibility of their application. 

Next steps
Mars 7th - Avril 6th
The applications will be submitted (after a process of anonymisation) to 23 external international reviewers who will asses applications.

All information about the panels and the evaluation criteria are available on CLEAR-Doc website.

The 60 best applications will be selected to participate to STEP 2 (Auditions). You will be informed on your selection to the auditions on April 28th 2023.

May 9th - May 12th
If the applicant pass STEP 1 (above), he/she will be invited to participate to a 30 minutes online audition (15 minutes of presentations + 15 minutes of question by the panel of evaluators).

The applicant will receive a convocation email 2 weeks before the auditions.

All information about the panels and the audition criteria are available on CLEAR-Doc website. 

The top 16 successful candidates will be contacted between Mai 23rd and June 14th and required to communicate their acceptance within 2 weeks after receiving the confirmation of the success of their application. Failure to do so will result in the position being offered to the candidates best ranked on the reserve list. 

news-4613 Wed, 30 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100 CLEAR-Doc kick-off meeting https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/clear-doc-kick-off-meeting The CLEAR-Doc community is born! The kick-off meeting of the program, from November 29 to 30, 2022, brought together the first cohort of doctoral students and their supervisors around workshops, presentations and highlights at Université Gustave Eiffel.

On November 29, the doctoral students and their supervisors attended a morning plenary session. The morning opened with a presentation of the CLEAR-Doc team and the Gustave Eiffel University, then the PhD students presented themselves in turn. The second part of the morning was dedicated to

  • the presentation of the future communication and dissemination activities of the doctoral students,
  • the doctoral strategy of the Gustave Eiffel University,
  • the training and career development plan,
  • the Board of supervisors,
  • the ethical and quality aspects of the program.

Before having lunch together, a photo session allowed to immortalize the day!

In the afternoon, the doctoral students were again gathered to participate in a team building workshop: the Climate Fresk. At the same time, the supervisors were trained on how to promote a healthy work environment for PhD students.

The morning of November 30 was dedicated to a presentation of the three years to come for the doctoral students, followed by a workshop on the Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP). At the end of the morning, the dissemination and communication tools briefly mentioned the day before were proposed to them.

In the afternoon, before saying goodbye, the doctoral students took up a challenge: summarize their thesis project in 60 seconds ! A success ! 

Take a look at the programme here.

news-4737 Thu, 24 Nov 2022 00:24:00 +0100 Training offers for CLEAR-Doc ESRs https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/training-offers-for-clear-doc-esrs A guide about training offers for the academic year 2022 - 2023 was created to give Clear-Doc Early Stage Researchers an overview of existing trainings opportunities and the general registration procedure to follow. As PhD students of Université Gustave Eiffel, CLEAR-Doc ESRs have access to scientific and transversal trainings offered each academic year, in French or in English (sometimes both).

These are organized by different actors:

  • Internal trainings: CLEAR-Doc programme, doctoral schools, Université Gustave Eiffel
  • External trainings: associations, foundations, other organisms

This guide has been made available to the fellows.

news-4612 Mon, 17 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 The CLEAR-Doc call #02 was launched on October 17th 2022 https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/the-clear-doc-call-02-was-launched-on-october-17th-2022 64 job offers were published on Euraxess. 
You can find all PhD topics here.
Apply before the deadline : 31/01/2023 - 17:00 (UTC).

news-4336 Thu, 28 Jul 2022 10:15:00 +0200 CLEAR-Doc's final selection call #1 : 14 applicants selected ! https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/clear-docs-final-selection-call-1-14-applicants-selected CLEAR-Doc's auditions were held from the 13th to the 17th June 2022.

51 auditions were conducted by the experts evaluators alongside with a member of the CLEAR-Doc management team and a member of the Ethics & Quality Board.

CLEAR-Doc management team is very glad to announce that 14 applicants were selected !

Panel ENGPanel ESPanel MCSCTPanel SSHPanel ST
Selected applicants44213

CLEAR-Doc's PhD students will conduct their researches on the following PhD topics :

  • Analysis of the mechanisms relating to tire / road wear in relation to the emissions of fine particles
  • Multi-functional urban pavement  to reduce climate change and contribute to a circular economy
  • Optimised vegetal wools for indoor comfort: coupling fire treatment with acoustic and hygrothermal performances
  • Semi-probabilistic assessment of existing urban structures to climate change
  • Refreshing urban transit environments in the Euro-Mediterranean region: thermographic modelling and low-tech renovation of hubs
  • Food Water Soil: Enhancing urban resilience capacity by multifunctional urban edible areas - Focus on the nexus Food Water Soil
  • Recycled materials for urban gardens
  • Study of the impact of biomass on sewage cementitiouos materials by micro- Raman analysis
  • Consideration of the characteristics of the infrastructure for the development of a driver assistance system for bicycles
  • Surveillance of pavement structural health using RFID traffic/load sensor data
  • Prospective mobility to horizon 2060
  • Si-based architectures for High data rate A-RoF applications
  • Development of a tool for predicting the risk of shoulder injuries for wheelchair users during propulsion while moving in cities
  • Optimisation of particle transport in polydisperse dense granular flows  : towards sustainable processes
news-4245 Tue, 31 May 2022 00:00:00 +0200 Evaluation of the applicant's files https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/evaluation-of-the-applicants-files CLEAR-Doc's experts evaluators have finished the evaluations of the applicant's files !

79 applications has been evaluated by 38 experts-evaluators.

All applications were anonymised before being sent to the experts evaluators and all applications were evaluated according a single evaluation grid composed by the CLEAR-doc management team.

At the end, 58 applicants are invited to pursue the selection process (see table below).


Panel ENGPanel ESPanel MCSCTPanel SSHPanel ST
Accepted applicants13819413

Next step: the audition.

The auditions of the applicants will be organized remotely, from 13th June to 17th June.

news-4168 Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:02:00 +0200 Online briefing for the CLEAR-Doc's Experts Evaluators https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/online-briefing-for-the-clear-docs-experts-evaluators CLEAR-Doc's experts evaluators are reunited on the 25th and 26th April for an online briefing. This mandatory online briefing will be used to:

  • Present CLEAR-Doc's project and its objectives
  • Present and explain the evaluation criteria of step 1
  • Raise awarness on the risks of gender and racial discrimination during the evaluation
  • Discover the non-discrimination mesures undertake by the Management team during the evaluation 

The Experts-Evaluators will be invited to a 2nd online briefing in order to receive new guidelines for step 2 (the auditions).

Experts-Evaluators, what do they do ?

CLEAR-Doc's experts evaluators are in charge of:

  • Evaluating the applications which has been declared eligible (step 1 - Applicant's files selection)
  • Evaluating the candidates whom passed the step 1, through an online audition (step 2 - Auditions)
  • Participates to a consensus meeting to pre-approve the ranking scenario of the applications based on Stage 1 and Stage 2 scores of the applicants while taking into consideration the rating differences between the 5 panels.

Experts-Evalutors, who are they ?

The Experts-Evalutors of CLEAR-Doc applied to a call for experts. They come from different backgrounds (academic and non-academic) knowing the local context and targeted job market.

They are divided in 5 evaluation panels according to their expertise:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
  • Environmental Sciences (ES)
  • Mathematics, Computer Sciences & Communication Technologies (MCSCT)
  • Engineering (ENG)
  • Sciences and Technologie (ST)

Need some more information regarding the Experts-Evaluators ? Take a look at the "Guide for Expert".


news-3967 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:15:16 +0200 Closing of the CLEAR-Doc call for applicants https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/closing-of-the-clear-doc-call-for-applicants The call for applicants closed on 22nd March 2022 CLEAR-Doc's Management Team received more than 120 applications !


The first administrative step ensured that the applications were complete and that the applicants provided all the needed documents as stated in the Guide for Applicants.


The eligibility check is now closed and every applicants have received a notification from the CLEAR-Doc's management team informing them about the eligibility of their application. 


Next steps


April 1st - May 30th

The applications will be submitted (after a process of anonymisation) to 2 external international reviewers who will asses applications.

All information about the panels and the evaluation criteria are available on CLEAR-Doc website.

The 60 best applications will be selected to participate to STEP 2 (Auditions). You will be informed on your selection to the auditions on May 30th 2022.



June 13th - June 24th

If the applicant pass STEP 1 (above), he/she will be invited to participate to a 30 minutes online audition (15 minutes of presentations + 15 minutes of question by the panel of evaluators).

The applicant will receive an convocation email 2 weeks before the auditions,  to participate, between June 13th and June 24th, (Monday-Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm) to the auditions.

All information about the panels and the audition criteria are available on CLEAR-Doc website

The top 15 successful candidates will be contacted between June 27th and July 1st and required to communicate their acceptance within 2 weeks after receiving the confirmation of the success of their application. Failure to do so will result in the position being offered to the candidates best ranked on the reserve list. 

news-3726 Fri, 10 Dec 2021 09:45:10 +0100 CLEAR-Doc PhD topics on Euraxess https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/clear-doc-phd-topics-on-euraxess 60 PhD topics have been published on the the Euraxess platform. 

You can find all PhD topics here.

news-3294 Mon, 21 Jun 2021 18:09:00 +0200 CLEAR-Doc Networking event https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/clear-doc-networking-event Come and pitch you Phd topic! We are very glad to announce the 1st CLEAR-Doc networking event.

This event will be held virtually on Sept 1st 2021.

It will be divided into 2 sessions (morning / afternoon) to enable our partners from all around the world to participate.

You can register to the event by following this link → here ←.


You can attend without pitching and if you cannot attend the event, you still have the opportunity to send us a topic and we will forward you propositions to the relevant researchers / teams.


If you have any questions : clear-doc@listes.univ-eiffel.fr

news-3052 Mon, 26 Apr 2021 12:10:00 +0200 Internal call for Phd topics https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/internal-call-for-phd-topics Launch of the Internal Call for thesis subject - Open until 26 Oct 2021 The Clear-Doc team is very glad to announce that the first internal call for subject thesis is now open !

The online form (in French) is available here.

If you are interested in proposing a thesis subject, please contact us : clear-doc@listes.univ-eiffel.fr.


news-3048 Mon, 01 Mar 2021 12:09:00 +0100 Signature of Grant Agreeement https://clear-doc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/news/news-in-detail/signature-of-grant-agreeement The president of Université Gustave Eiffel signed CLEAR-Doc Grant Agreement  
